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June 14, 1974

Strip-Mine Rights Narrowed By Court U.S.A. Will Sell Egypt Atomic Fuel

June 14, 1999

Largest U.S. Flag Unfurled in NC; Larger Than a Basketball Court Hazard Man Shoots Three People In Bar

June 14, 1924

Prohibitionist Nominate Their President and V.P. Fayette County Plans Reenactment of 1782 Attack on Bryan Station

June 13, 1999

Man’s Arrest In Dorm Fire Stuns Friends; Murry State Office Internet Access; To Surf Or Not To Surf

June 13, 1974

Millions in Cairo Welcome Nixon As He Opens Tour of Middle East Senator Cook Wants To Stop Sending Money To India

June 13, 1924

Dawes To Run With Coolidge; General Gets Nomination on 3rd Ballot Kentuckians Whooping It Up For Dawes After Voting For Lowden