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100 Years

June 27, 1924

Democratic Convention In Madison Square Garden Continues Hydro Electric Power Plant To Be Built on Dix River Near High Bridge

June 26, 1924

Kentucky Delegation Torn Apart By Klan Issue; Democratic National Convention (DNC) Klan and League Planks Remain The Main Issues; DNC

June 25, 1924

Democrats Move To Speed Up Convention Demand Specific Denunciation of the Ku Klux Klan

June 24, 1924

Democrats Hold National Convention in Madison Square Garden Pilot Spans Country Under 22 Hours; NY to San Fran

June 21, 1924

French Inventor Transmits Photographs Across Atlantic Two Die Climbing Mt. Everest

June 20, 1924

Mountain Towns Extend Warm Welcome To Lexingtonians Another Crash On New York Exchange

June 19, 1924

Chicago Great Mail Robbery – $3,000,000 Ashland Golf Club To Elects Directors