August 16, 1924
Teddy Brewer ALIVE Wildcat Football Star Mixed Up With Another Kid His Age Famous Kentucky Cardinal Band of Maysville To Play Bluegrass Fair
Teddy Brewer ALIVE Wildcat Football Star Mixed Up With Another Kid His Age Famous Kentucky Cardinal Band of Maysville To Play Bluegrass Fair
700 Seek Jobs At Bluegrass Fair President Coolidge Accepts Republican Nomination For Try at Another Term
25 Million Expected To Hear President Coolidge Speech Via Radio W.T. Sistrunk, 62, One of Lexington’s Wealthiest and Best Known Businessman Dies
Dry Agents Arrest 277 In Kentucky For July Colored Fair Race Entries For Thursday
Brewer, Former Wildcat Foot Ball Star Drowns in Waikiki Beach Locals Protest Lightening Street With Long Poles; Lexington
Pet Show Draws 4,000 At Woodlawn Park; Lexington Thieves Break In, Party, Rob Drug Store, Leave with Goodies; Louisville
Bluegrass Once Covered By Glacial Drift Says Frankfort Woodford Fair To Close Tonight
Woodford Fair Floral Hall and Poultry Awards Wealthy Bluegrass Farmer Leaves Estate to His Three Negro Servants