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100 Years

October 15, 1924

U.S. Senator Kills Himself Louisville’s Top Cops and Officers Caught in a Gambling Scandal; Two Captains Resign

October 14, 1924

V.P. Candidate Hawes Leaves Louisville for Shelbyville Today Henry Ford Walks Away From Muscle Shoals

October 11, 1924

Latonia Host International Day of Racing; Derby Winner Withdrawls Old Rivals Meet At Thomas Field Gridiron; Transy vs. Winchester’s Wesleyan Panthers

October 10, 1924

Senators Win World Base Ball Championship President Coolidge Sees Extra Innings

October 9, 1924

Senators Defeat Giants In World Series Game Deciding Clash Tomorrow

October 8, 1924

New York Defeats Senators In Today’s Clash Radio Must Have Government Control and Wide Range of Freedom

October 7, 1924

SENATORS WIN OVER GIANTS IN TODAY’S GAME Lawsuit Takes Aim at Negro Citizenship and Right To Vote