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100 Years

May 3, 1923

Congress To Face Another Big “Wet” and “Dry” Battle Louisville and Lexington To Get New Street Cars

May 2, 1923

40 High Schools Meet in 10th Annual State Interscholastic Debate Tournament at UK Derby Horses On Race Card Today

May 1, 1923

3 Killed In Mass Shooting At Work; Paycheck Not Given; Alabama Night Raiders Destroy More Tobacco; Appeal To Governor Is Made

April 28, 1923

Henry Ford Is Kentucky’s Largest Land Owner Officer Refuses To Give Up Booze To Bandits At Weiskopf Distillery

April 27, 1923

Governor Morrow Expected To Resign From office To Take Federal Post Paris Girl Opens Fire On Husband

April 26, 1923

King Baseball Begins Today Reported Theft of Whiskey at Loretto

April 25, 1923

Politicians and Clergy Vow To End Horse Gambling in Kentucky Nonunion Coal Miners Shot At; Madisonville

April 24, 1923

Criminal Court Not Agency To Collect Debt Harding Against League of Nations; Possible World Court Player