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March 7, 2000

Gasoline May Go Up To $2.00 a Gallon Dr. William R. Markesbery Spotlighted; Center on Aging

March 7, 1975

Black Troopers Help With Recruitment; Kentucky State Police Former IL Gov. & Federal Judge Leaves Lexington Federal Prison; Cancer

March 7, 1925

Blue Devils Beat Nicholasville 51-1; Blue Angles Loose To Georgetown Priest Burned Alive; Ukraine

March 6, 2000

Clay City’s Red River Museum Spotlighted Former Supreme Court Justice Dies at Age 60; J. Calvin Aker

March 6, 1975

3rd Woman to Serve on Presidential Cabinet; Carla Hill Justice Department Hints at New Evidence in Kennedy Shooting

March 6, 1925

Mr. Breckinridge Defends Mutuels at Race Tracks Lawrenceburg Native Appointed To West Point; Howard Garner

March 5, 2000

Racetracks’ Drug Testing In Question; Not Much Scrunity UK Basketball Museum Pulls Crowd With Ashley Judd Before Game

March 5, 1975

Anne Hearst Busted With Crystal Meth; Sister Still on the Run NCAA Invitations Go Out On Thursday