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January 12, 1925

Klan Oust Two High Officials; Atlanta Former House Member Appointed Day Watchman and Guide of Capitol

January 11, 2000

College President’s Role Shifts To Fund-Raiser McConnell Allows Private Testimony In Impeachment Trial

January 11, 1925

Street Car Traffic Relief Soon; Louisville Franklin Farmers Urged To Grow Cotton

January 11, 1975

Kissinger Warns The World Scramble For Oil Would Be “Ruinous To All” U.S. May Ai Missiles At Soviet Military Sites

January 10, 2000

Tobacco Companies Offer $14.5 Billion To Silence Texas Suit Governor Patton’s Budget Offers Generous Raise To Teachers

January 10, 1975

Nixon Invites 8 Countries To Solve Energy Crisis Kissinger Flying To Middle East For Negotiations

January 10, 1925

Kentucky Teacher Pledge Full Support To New State Superintendent of Public Instruction Selling Firearms To Minor Charged Ashland