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May 24, 1923

Mystery Blast Due To Klux or Anti-Klux; Louisville 3,000 Fayette School Children Attend Annual Picnic at Blue Grass Park

May 23, 1923

Whiskey Orgies at Derby Astounds U.S. Dry Chief Insanity Held Not Be Hereditary

May 23, 1973

President Vows He Won’t Abandon Responsibilities Lee Trevino Plays Tates Creek Golf Course

May 23, 1998

Air Traffic System Is Faulty Says Workers Kentucky Orders Phone Companies To Revise How Charges Are Listed

May 22, 1998

Another Teen Mass Shooter; Oregon High School Nature of School Violence Shifting to Mayhem

May 22, 1973

Watergate Continues; McCord Lashes Out At White House Gasoline Shortage Continues

May 22, 1923

Diesel Fuel To Be For Sale Soon Keegan Resigns At KY Association Track; Take Hawthorne Job