March 27, 1775, possibly the same Native American party who attacked Captain Twitty two days earlier attacked six of Boone’s men who camped near Boonesborough. Two more settlers died, and three were wounded. Because of this attack and the severe injuries to Captain Twitty, they constructed a temporary log shelter as a protective defensive position for the rest of the party. Within a few days, Twitty died, and they buried him along with Sam, his servant, at the site. The temporary structure became known as “Twitty’s Fort” or “The Little Fort” and continued to exist for many years.
March 27, 1827, Calvin Smith and Robert Brank, both of Tennessee, fought a duel in Simpson County with pistols at ten paces. On the first fire, Mr. Brank received a bullet through the body and expired on the spot. The difference arose from a trial in a county courtroom where both men were lawyers. Famous Kentucky Duels by J. Winston Coleman, Jr.; pg: 140
On Monday night, March 27, 1972, UK’s Athletics Association Board made it clear, in the words of President Otis Singletary, “that the university retirement policy will be followed in the case of Coach Adolph Rupp, so that his retirement will occur on June 30, 1972.” The night before, Coach Rupp told a banquet that if the university forced him out, he would run for U.S. Congress in the 6th district.
Sunday, March 27, 2011, in Coach Cal’s 2nd year, Kentucky defeated UNC 76-69 to advance to the Final Four. Kentucky’s last visit came in 1998. The city of Houston hosted Connecticut, Butler, UK, and VCU. The Huskies won it all for the 3rd time.
On Friday afternoon, March 27, 2020, Governor A. Beshear reported three new coronavirus deaths and 54 new cases, the 2nd day in a row of over 50. The state had 302 cases and eight deaths. The governor lit the capitol dome green for the 1st night, to remember virus victims and told Kentuckians to stay away from Tennessee because their virus protocols didn’t match the Commonwealths. Meanwhile, county jails started to release low-risk offenders.
Friday night, March 27, 2020, President D. Trump signed into law the largest transfer of wealth in U.S. history without public debate or discussion. In 20 days, President Trump signed three Coronavirus Relief Packages (CRPs) for $2,400,000,000,000. He would sign two more CRPs before he left office, distributing close to $4 trillion in 10 months.
On March 27, 2022, Thomas Massie won’t “let” them forget.
Today is the two year anniversary of the first of a series of spending bills that caused the inflation we suffer today. Thank you @RepKenBuck for standing with me. No other Congressman was willing to stand up and tell Pelosi + Trump they were making a huge mistake that day.
On March 27, 2023, Thomas Massie retweeted his interview that took place outside the Capitol three years to the day, after he did his job.
On this day, 3 years ago, the House refused to take a recorded vote on the CARES Act which led to the inflation and issues we have now. But by citing the Constitution, I was able to make them come to work, in spite of their protestations. These were my comments that day.