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100 Years

March 12, 1925

Week Celebration For Lexington Sesqui-centennial Celebration Blue Devils Lose To Manuel Five In State Tourney

March 11, 1925

Sergeant Sandlin Spends Day in Lexington; Called America’s Great War Hero High School Five Gather For State Net Tournament

March 10, 1925

Preachers On Pulpit To Stop Betting and Jockey Club New Lexington Oil Company Formed; $150,000 Capital

March 7, 1925

Blue Devils Beat Nicholasville 51-1; Blue Angles Loose To Georgetown Priest Burned Alive; Ukraine

March 6, 1925

Mr. Breckinridge Defends Mutuels at Race Tracks Lawrenceburg Native Appointed To West Point; Howard Garner

March 5, 1925

UK & Berea Debate Teams Meet Tonight Paris Married Couple Have Baby; Mother 13, Father 19

March 4, 1925

Coolidge Sworn In For His Own Four-Year Term Coolidge Wants To Promote Peace, Lighten Tax Load

March 3, 1925

No Farm Relief Legislation at Present Session Coolidge Works as Usual on Eve of Inauguration